Unsere Dialoge bieten einen sicheren Raum für Führungskräfte und Akteure für Veränderung. In diesem geschützten Raum können die Schlüsselakteure die Perspektiven des jeweiligen Gegenübers ergründen, die eigenen Herausforderungen aus einem völlig neuen Blickwinkel betrachten, sich inspirieren und motivieren sowie letztendlich in ihrem eigenen Einflussbereich Veränderungen herbeiführen.
Detaillierte Informationen in englischer Sprache:
The Dialogues are at the core of our action. We implement them in collaboration with a broad range of international partners. They connect change makers from different sectors to change perspectives, exchange and collectively innovate.
Deepening Dialogues
Deepening Dialogues are initiatives taken by our GLAC Network members to continue conversations, strengthen ties and deep dive into topics of their interest.
Joint Action
Joint Action is triggered by our Dialogues or created on the basis of our Theory of Change. Communities of Practice and Partnerships for Change are rooted in a dialogical approach to international collaboration. They connect actors from different sectors and geographical backgrounds to implement change in their professional field.
Voicing Change
The GLAC Network aspires to inform Global Policy by Voicing Change in political fora, transnational events and publications.
The War on Ukraine
Talking about the Dangers of Human Trafficking and Chances for a Feminist Foreign Policy
Eirliani Abdul Rahman, GLAC Network member and participant of the Global Diplomacy Lab and the Leadership and Innovation Lab "Unveil the Hidden Presence: Trafficking in Women and Children" has watched the war on Ukraine closely and raised her voice on several platforms asking: "The War on Ukraine: Time for a Feminist Foreign Policy?" and "How to stop Human Traffickers from Exploiting the War in Ukraine". She was also interviewed by the German Broadcasting House RBB on her views of the current situation. You can read the inverview here (in German).
Eirliani is currently pursuing a doctorate in public health at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. From 2015 to 2020, she worked with the Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi to advocate against child trafficking in India and globally. The views expressed in the articles are her own.
Inclusive Workplaces with Amara
Talks on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Inclusion is becoming the backbone of employee engagement in nearly every sector on a global scale today. On Inclusive Workplaces with Amara, GLAC Network and Global Diplomacy Lab member Amarachi Igbeogwu shares best practices for building inclusive workplaces through her experience and by leveraging the experiences of other advocates and champions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Join her for weekly video episodes every Tuesday here.
Conference by the the Kuwait Union of Women Associations
Empowerment of Women - International Models and Kuwaiti Prospects
Under the patronage of the Prime Minister His Highness Shaikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamed Al-Sabah the Kuwait Union of Women Associations
held a virtual international conference on the societal Empowerment of women. Organized and facilitated by GLAC member Dr. Haila Al-Mekaimi the first day was dedicated to international models and experience, welcoming among the speakers fellow GLAC member Dr. Vijitha Eyango and Dr. Wiebke Koenig, both speaking on "Women under the Sustainable Development Goals 2030" and drawing on their expertise and experience, including the Transforming Leadership Lab by GLAC and the Asian Development Bank.
Night Owl Session at Bled Strategic Forum (BSF) 2019
Night Owl Session at Bled Strat
Sexual violence against women is a major obstacle for the full participation of female citizens in the public sphere and democracy. Several GLAC and GDL participants along with Young BSF members spoke in a panel at the Bled Strategic Forum 2019 to raise awareness about this issue and foster discussion on the important role women can play in ensuring stability and sustainability given equal access to education, safety and health.
Future Affairs Conference in Berlin
Future Affairs Conference in Berlin
To stimulate the exchange of people from various backgrounds, Flávia Alfenas Amorim and Anya Baum, members of the Global Diplomacy Lab conducted a life-size board game session on the SDGs. Participants were engaged in a discussion on how global diplomacy can support the implementation of the SDGs. This very first Future Affairs conference was launched under the title: “Digital Revolution: Resetting Global Power Politics?”
Latin America and Caribbean Initiative
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Initiative
Members of the Global Diplomacy Lab, Julia Jaroschweski and Sonja Peteranderl, contributed to the launching conference of the LAC Initiative with an interactive session on cities as experimental labs for innovative forms of diplomacy and sustainable future strategies.
The activity served as a platform for networking and knowledge transfer and several project ideas emerged from the group work on prototyping. Some insights from the workshop here.