Club of Rome Salon

On November 30, 2020 the Arts and Nature Social Club in cooperation with the German Chapter of the Club of Rome, hosted a session on Wellbeing Economy, asking: "How can we recreate our societies and thereby ensure wellbeing and quality of life?".

GLAC community member Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Fioramonti (MP), former Italian Minister of Education, author, and Professor of Political Economy discussed with Petra Pinzler, author and correspondent of the weekly German newspaper "Die Zeit". The session was curated and moderated by Joerg Geier, Member of the Club of Rome with commentaries by Maya Hennerkes, ESG Sector Lead for Financial Intermediaries, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, and Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Honorary President of the Club of Rome.


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For further information on salons and other programs hosted by ANSC (held either in German or English), please see here.

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