Die Global Leadership Academy: News auf Englisch
Shaping the Digital Future of Work - Studies for Download on India and Rwanda
Based on scenarios exploring what the future of work in India and Rwanda might look like, as a result of the digital transformation, the Digital Future of Work Lab explored suitable options for action in the two partner countries.
By bringing together policy experts and different perspectives for an open discourse, the aim of the online Lab which started in May 2022 is to strengthen policy coherence between different German ministries and to promote the inclusion of perspectives of the Global South, by mainstreaming the results into the national and international policy dialogue on the future of work.
#From Growth to Wellbeing: New Podcast Series by GIZ
Starting in November 2022 GIZ launched a podcast series: From Growth to #Wellbeing! The podcast provides different perspectives from renowned experts and practitioners in our partner countries. We want to innovate and learn from each other in an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral exchange and share our lessons learnt with the wider international development community. Listen to it now on the podcast platform of your choice!
#energytransition #cleanenergy #energypolicy #sustainability #climatechange
Co-Creating Change: The GSDR Community of Practice at Work
Since 2021 a group of highly motivated professionals from the Latin American and Caribbean Region are forming the GSDR Community of Practice (CoP) , striving to maximize co-benefits and minimize trade-offs to drive faster implementation of the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR). Breaking down silos between sectors and stakeholder groups they started to generate solutions for policy coherence that enable a smoother implementation and foster a culture of working collaboration.
Co-hosted by UNDESA and GIZ the group has grown to 39 members from 16 countries that currently work on 14 different project ideas for translating the global to the local in the region and thereby contributing to the implementation of the SDGs.
Revised and Updated Regional GLAC Community Pages #4
We started 2022 updating the information on our regional GLAC communities, including more facts and figures, the results of our identity process and the creation of governance structures in the four different regions of our global GLAC Network. We also introduced special pages for the regions, starting with GLAC Africa and GLAC Asia & the Pacific, followed by GLAC Americas & Caribbean and last but not least by GLAC Europe & MENA now. Please check out, what has been created by these amazing change agents, be inspired and feel free to connect.
For all GLAC Network members: bear in mind that you can connect and interact even better via your regional virtual collaboration spaces!
Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues on Global Solutions Summit 2022
In the scope of a green technologies dissemination initiative implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI), the global circular economy agenda is being advanced through a series of Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues (CESD). They aim to inspire a conducive circular economy (CE) narrative feeding into the G/T20 process, building on the momentum of commitments on the circular economy and focusing on both analyzing mechanisms scaling-up circularity and devising context-sensitive strategies for their broad implementation.
Many GLAC Network members especially from the Solutions Lab Community are participating.
The CESD hosted two multi-stakeholder panels at the hybrid Global Solutions Summit 2022:
- "Circular economy and global value chains" on March 28th.
- "The growing imperative for a circular economy" on March 29th.
#Future Diplomacy: Global Diplomacy Lab Publication
You always wanted to know more about the Global Diplomacy Lab (GDL) - its underlying Strategy, Labs, Activities, Members and Partners? Then the five-part publication is just the right read for you!
Through AR elements strewn in across the publication you can gain insights into the GDL's ideas and processes directly from the members. Download the individual modules by clicking on
activities, partners, members, labs, and strategy.
Die Global Leadership Academy
Die Welt steht vor immer komplexeren Herausforderungen. Um diesen zu begegnen, braucht es einen nachhaltigen Paradigmenwechsel in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit – und Verantwortungsträgerinnen und -träger, die Veränderungen vorantreiben.
Die Global Leadership Academy schafft Räume, in denen Entscheidungsträger aus den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Forschung und Zivilgesellschaft zusammenkommen und die weltweiten Herausforderungen aus einem völlig anderen Blickwinkel betrachten.
Im gleichen Zug befähigt die Global Leadership Academy globale Verantwortungseliten in Deutschland und der Welt, Transformationen zur Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 anzustoßen.
Leadership and Innovation Labs
Auf Basis mehrjähriger Erfahrung hat die Global Leadership Academy einen effizienten Ansatz entwickelt, um Wandel auf persönlicher, struktureller und systemischer Ebene zu ermöglichen – die Leadership and Innovation Labs.
Leadership and Innovation Labs schaffen einen Raum für dialogischen Austausch, Vernetzung und Innovation, stets im Hinblick auf eine bestimmte gesellschaftliche Herausforderung.
Dieser Ansatz berücksichtigt auf besondere Weise die enge Beziehung zwischen der Führungskräfteentwicklung von Schlüsselakteuren und dem Beginn systemischen Wandels in Organisationen, Netzwerken und unserer Gesellschaft.
Teilnehmende der Leadership and Innovation Labs durchlaufen einen mehrstufigen Auswahlprozess: Zunächst reichen die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, basierend auf einer offenen Ausschreibung, ein Motivationsschreiben sowie ihren Lebenslauf ein. Nach einer ersten Vorauswahl finden weiterführende Gespräche zu Zielen, Herausforderungen und Erwartungen der Bewerber statt. Die endgültige Zusammensetzung der Lab-Gruppe erfolgt auf Grundlage dieser Gespräche sowie bestimmter Diversitätskriterien (z.B. Geschlecht, Arbeitsbereich, Organisation, Land).
Mehr über unsere Dialoge
Geschichten des Wandels
Die Global Leadership Academy ermöglicht den Wandel auf persönlicher, struktureller und systemischer Ebene.
Unsere Mitglieder bringen die Einblicke und Innovationen auf vielfältige Weise in ihren eigenen Kontext ein: zum Beispiel durch Projekte zur Veränderung, neue Kooperationen oder durch veränderte Führung.
Shifting the Narrative
"You don’t have to wait to be appointed as a leader. The impact of your work makes you a leader," says Irum Ahsan, a trained lawyer and Advisor at the Asian Development Bank. She initiated the transformation of legal courts & procedures to fight gender-based violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Read her story
Combatting Human Trafficking in the Horn of Africa
Hussein Ahmed Wolle is a social entrepreneur and activist with 15 years’ experience in the Afar region, one of the most unstable and poor regions in Ethiopia. In his new project Hussein is guided by the vision of safety for children and women and a smuggling- and trafficking-free Ethiopia in 10 years.
Read the story
Empower Women and Children against Trafficking
Hellen Tanyinga Lunkuse Waiswa is the founder and executive director of Rape Hurts Foundation (RHF). Being a victim of Gender Based Violence herself, she has dedicated her life to creating a world in which women and children are able to realize their full potential.
Read the story